Sunday, July 20, 2014


Friday, July 18, 2014

One of the nice things about G is that he is so easy to please! Normally, I am always trying to think of something new to do everyday.  He is just as happy to go to the beach and surf which is fine with me.  Jack, G and I took a ride to the beach on Friday morning and you could tell we were on the brink of the weekend.  The beach was filling quickly and the surfers are out in full force.

The conditions were not that great and I lost G in the sea of surfers so no epic photos today.  Jack enjoyed the low tide at The Wall.  The tides seen to be extreme in this area.

I took the boys to 5 Guys Burgers for lunch.  That place needs chocolate milkshakes!

Saturday, July 19

As part of G's program, they encourage some volunteer work.  I signed him up for our local Farmer's Market.  He had a great time helping Shelly from White Cedar Farm.  She had her 5 month old baby boy with her so the extra pair of hands to help weigh and bag all her yummy food was definitely appreciated! Shelly is so nice, fun and full of energy and people just gravitate to her...not a bad place to spend a Saturday morning!

Scott and I were invited to see Jimmy Buffett in concert so we left the boys home alone for the rest of the day.  I made a big crock pot of chili and left a 5 foot loaf of frenchbread (which they devoured!)  The boys were excited to be home alone, but, they were also very happy when we called to check in on them! They thanked me for calling, these days won't last!  Jack even read a story to Tyler at bedtime. 

Driving in the motorhome was definitely the way to go.  We had all of our amenities right at our fingertips!  The party starts early and ends late.

I met this girl who loved Elvis.  Her dream someday is to take her Grandmother to Graceland! I hope she doesn't wait too long.  That was Tyler's favorite place on our cross country trip!


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