Sunday, August 31, 2014

Settling in...

I am not a fan of the first week of school.  It always comes too fast, like a slap in the face! Gone are the nights with no specific bedtime and the mornings of walking up at our own leisure.  Suddenly, my alarm is set to go off at 5:20am Monday-Friday and I don't even get the reward of seeing a proper sunrise!  Don't misunderstand, I can always go back to bed.  It is the kids that I feel bad for!  Especially Aba, leaving at 6am.  One morning, he didn't have a minute to spare, let alone eat.  While he was getting ready, I was making him a nice warm egg & cheese sandwich.  He thought he would be leaving hungry and the look of gratitude on his face was priceless!

It's hard to believe that Aba has only been here for 5 full days.  It seems like he has been here for weeks! He has been going full steam ahead since his arrival and handling all these new changes so well.  He has easily slid right into the hearts of our family, we didn't have to make room for him, the room simply multiplied.  

He joined the football team and has made new friends easily.  Friday night was the teams first scrimmage game, away from home.  I picked him up from school  at 2pm and was waiting for him for a few minutes.  He apologized for being late, he just had to find out a girl's name! haha We had planned to go the sporting goods store to buy him some cleats and ran into twin bothers who play football with him.  They were already inviting him to go skiing this winter and stay at their weekend home.  I dropped him off back off at 4pm to take the team bus to the game and could see the boys greeting him like he had always been a team member.  He even found a ride home after the game...score one for me!

paparazzi photo from the car :)
So many teenagers are quiet in the car. Not Aba. He likes to chat and tell about his day.  I love to hear his stories and see him smiling and happy.  His only problems are deciding what winter sport he is going to participate in.  Does he go for Wrestling or join the Ski Team with his new friends or play Hockey with the boy down the street...decisions, decisions.

Saturday, he finally got to sleep in and we spent the afternoon at Scott's brother's house for an end of the summer pool party.  We were just there on Thursday night as well.  It was a beautiful day with lots of fun, sun, food and swimming.  Aba got to meet my niece Jill who is the same age along with Ryan who is also in the family, along with Aunts, Uncles, Cousins etc etc

Clockwise, Uncle Glenn, Scott, Mark, Brian & John.  Missing: Dave
kid shot
So, our dog Scout hasn't had a good week.  He turns 14 yrs old on September 3rd. He has an acute case of vestibular disease. Symptoms include head tilting, loss of coordination, circling and stumbling, staggering, falling and rolling, as well as involuntary, rhythmic, jerking eye movements from side to side or up and down.

To make a long story even longer...we had been taking turns sleeping on the floor with Scout in the family room.  I got up one night and slipped on a pillow.  I landed pretty hard on the arm chair.  At the pool party, I was in more and more pain.  I went to the Urgent Care and I have a cracked rib!  All the boys get to take care of me today!  ugghhh...who thinks I have time for this? haha


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