Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Weekend horror & Jack's Birthday!

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Jack's 12th Birthday is Tuesday and he wanted to invite a friend and go to Canobie Lake Park to celebrate.  Canobie Lake is an amusement park that is popular during the summer but, come Halloween, they have it all decked out in skeletons, zombies and other inexplainable ghoulish creatures .  During the day, we went on roller coasters, swings and other rides.  

At sunset, the haunted houses open. 

The lines were long so we only made it into two.  I wish I had done my homework in advance and could have chosen more wisely.  The first one we toured was called VIRUS.  There were lots of interesting characters to keep you company while you waited in line.

VIRUS: The terror is infectious…
The research had gone horribly wrong. Now, as you enter the Genome Biocontainment facility, you will most certainly sense the despair, just as those who have gone before you.  "Containment" being the operative word, the high security (and top secret) site was designed to keep "Virus M" as it was dubbed and its victims isolated from the rest of the world. 

The second one was called Merriment, Inc.  This one brought you through the corporation of Merriment, Inc…where evil clowns are born.  This was pretty creepy and I was hanging on to Tyler while Aba led the way!

October 28, 2014

On Jack's Birthday, we went to one of his favorite restaurants, Plaza Azteca.  We started out with the guacamole made table-side and we ordered dinner for Aba since he had no idea what any of the items were, this was his first Mexican dining experience.  We ordered him a nice steak burrito and he loved it!


We came home for dessert, chocolate roll, and a pretty funny rendition of Happy Birthday!

Here is a quick 2 min video and it shows Aba and the boys being silly singing Happy Birthday!


Monday, October 27, 2014

Let's play some football!

October 20, 2014

Aba is wrapping up his first football season with a JV game today, and his last one next Monday.  Hopefully, he will get a play or two in this Friday's last Varsity game of the season.  He really enjoyed it, met some really nice kids and developed a camaraderie that will carry him thru the school year and beyond.  

While I only got to a couple of games...I think I captured a pretty good essence of what it was like.  Here are the highlights from last week on a pretty fall day.  

Getting ready to punt the ball, far left

This was his best moment of the whole season...catching & holding on to the ball

In November, he will start his winter sport...wrestling.  Scott was an excellent wrestler back in High School so I am sure he will be at many meets to cheer on Aba!

Stay tuned...we had a fun weekend! More to come soon.


Monday, October 13, 2014


Sorry that it's been a while since my last post.  I know all his family look forward to my updates.  Aba continues to be quite busy with school, football and his new friends.  We do not see him too much. This is a good eye opener - preparing us for what it will be like when our own kids enter High School.  We are just happy that he is happy and getting the most out of his American experience.  As a former Exchange Student, I was home all of 5 nights during the entire school year!

I took Aba to see my friend for a haircut last week and she thought his eyebrows needed attention...a swift hand into the hot wax, a quick rip and she had him all groomed!  Oh my....we were laughing so hard as everything with Aba is quite comical!

A couple of weeks ago, I was lucky to be the photographer at a friends wedding in Germany.  I loved my time over there and I hope too many years do not pass again before returning to Europe.  I had a friend in Budapest the same week and her photos were amazing. Here are a couple shots from my trip.  A big thank you to Scott for holding down the fort while I was away.


Castle Ruins
Chateau in France I stayed at
Deisdeheim, Germany
Freinsheim, Germany
This weekend was a long holiday weekend in observance of Columbus Day. So with the extra day off, I insisted on getting the boys out of the house on Sunday afternoon.  They are usually so tired from their long school week, and Aba is usually out late on Saturday nights, but I warned them in advance I was not taking no or any excuses!  Here is a 2 minute video...

It was convenient that I ran into a friend at the thank you, Stephen Fales, for taking this photo of the 4 of us!  Here we are at Plum Island.

And, apple picking at Cider Hill Farm.   I can say that all the boys had fun, it was a beautiful day and we even stopped by to finally introduce Aba to my parents.

Jack and I decided to get up early for the sunrise.  I thought Tyler might join us, but he decided to sleep in.  Aba slept until 2pm! Fall is the most beautiful season where we live and this is what Jack and I saw...

Aba had a football game went into overtime, but, unfortunately they lost by 1 point.  He did come home to say he is now one of the Team's Captains! Way to go Aba!  

I was home cooking all day, which is highly cake from our fresh picked apples, homemade macaroni and cheese and some BBQ pulled pork for dinner.

That's it for now...
